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We provide quality health and wellness education, screenings, and physical therapy services to help improve your quality of life!

Personalized Home Exercise Program

Home Assessments

Future Timeless Living Strength and Balance & Flexibility and Yoga Classes


See what some of our amazing participants are saying about our services!

Falls? It's a problem worth solving!

Two of the highest at-risk populations in our society are older adults and the uninsured.


Average Cost to treat a fall

52 million

predicted falls in 2030


Avg. decrease in fall risk after participation from 2020-Present

30 million

US residents were uninsured during the first half of 2020

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TOTM® appears on Coast Live

Left to right: April Woodard, Heather Hollowell, Dr. Melanie Basinger, Chandler Nunnally

TOTM® CEO, Dr. Melanie Basinger and Timeless Living Fall Prevention® program participant, Heather Hollowell appeared on the Coast Live morning show on Friday, January 26, 2024.  Dr. Basinger discussed the staggering statistics surrounding falls.  Every 11 seconds an older adult is treated in the ER following a fall.  Every 19 minutes an older adult dies as the result of a fall. And the average cost of one fall that results in injury is $30,000.  

Heather shared her experience with Timeless Living®.  After a fall down her stairs, she was excited to learn about the free program offered at Portsmouth’s YMCA.  Heather uses the information she learned in the program like picking up clutter and installing lighting throughout her house especially at the bottom of her stairs.  She is one of the program’s biggest advocates, incorporating fall prevention tips into the yoga classes she teaches at the Portsmouth YMCA. 

Dr. Basinger described how participants in the Timeless Living® program practice the proper way to fall to minimize injury.  Licensed physical therapists and physical therapist assistants work with individuals on how to safely get off the floor prior to actual falling.  This is one of their biggest fears.  Older adults are not confident they will be able to get off the floor.  

Heather demonstrated how to get on and off the floor using a sturdy chair, couch, or table.  You should never fall on outstretched arms but rather bend your elbows and cross your arms across your chest to stop the instinct to reach forward to brace for the fall.  Even though crossing your arms seems counterintuitive, it reduces the risk of breaking your wrist or shoulder. Practicing the proper way to fall in class increases the likelihood you will fall properly if a fall is imminent.

Next, Heather demonstrated the proper way to fall.  You should never fall forward but instead, turn your forward fall into a sideways fall by taking a step forward and turning your body to the side. Bend your elbows, cross your arms, tuck your chin, squat as low as you can, and try to strike the ground with the lower leg first, then the upper leg, and finally side.  Do your best to curl up in a ball as you land.  Take a few minutes to make sure you are all right before getting up or having someone help you up.  Once you are sure you are ok, crawl, scoot, or roll to a sturdy chair.  Get your strong side near the chair if possible.  Pull yourself up into the chair using your stronger arm and leg.  

Most of our participants tell us there is no way they can change the way they fall.  A fall happens so fast that there is no time to think.  We hear stories all the time about how people are amazed they were able to practice what they learned in class and were not injured.  We would love to help you live a happy, healthy life, doing the things you love without falls.  Come to a free Timeless Living Fall Prevention® class and take the first step to living your best life. 

Read the article and watch the broadcast (https://www.wtkr.com/coast-live/teaching-seniors-to-fall-safely-with-therapy-on-the-move-on-coast-live)

Visit our website to sign up (https://therapyonthemove.org/timeless-living/ )

SoutheastVA Community Foundation Grant

How does Therapy on the Move® offer our Timeless Living Fall Prevention® program to seniors free of charge?  Through generous grants and private donations.  

from left to right:
Melanie Basinger, Founder and CEO, Therapy on the Move
Doris Cobb, Nonprofit manager, Therapy on the Move
Richard Wentz, CEO, Southeast Virginia Community Foundation

On Wednesday, October 19, 2022, Therapy on the Move® was awarded a $6,100 grant from Southeast Virginia Community Foundation to support our work at the Portsmouth YMCA.  
These funds will allow us to reach another 24 individuals.  With the average cost of one fall totaling $30,000, this is a potential savings of $720,000. And more importantly, it allows 24 seniors to live their best lives, in their own homes, doing the things they love.  

We are truly grateful for the continuous support from our community and cannot wait to see how this never-ending generosity will take us to new heights!

If you are interested in attending one of our classes, please sign up on our website (www.therapyonthemove.org) or call us at 757-343-9319. 

8th Timeless Living Prog. @ Ports YMCA

Did you know falling is not a normal part of aging?  If you or someone you love is concerned about falling, please reach out to us and attend a free class.  Therapy on the Move’s® Timeless Living Fall Prevention® program is now offered at two locations in Hampton Roads – the YMCAs at Portsmouth and Granby.

We started our 8th running of Timeless Living at the Portsmouth YMCA earlier this month! We have reached 166 seniors with 99% showing improvement in function.

Our program is comprised of 7 weekly sessions covering topics including identifying fall risk, home safety, medications, nutrition, healthy vision/healthy feet, community safety, and learning to fall safely.  Each session is run by licensed physical therapists and licensed physical therapist assistants.  We work with you on modifying behaviors and teach you simple exercises to decrease your risk of falling.  During our final session, we teach you how to fall safely to minimize injury.

Since beginning in the spring of 2020, the Timeless Living Fall Prevention® program has reached 166 seniors throughout Hampton Roads.  99% of our participants have noted improvement in their physical abilities with 23% no longer being identified as being a fall risk.  The best time to participate in a fall prevention program is before you begin falling.  Do you want to wake up each day and do the things you love?  Please sign up for a free class on our website (www.therapyonthemove.org) or call us at 757-343-9319.

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